OpenSSA: Small Specialist Agents

Create Domain-Specific
AI Agents

Tackling multi-step complex problems beyond traditional language models

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Key Features

Efficient, Effective, with Planning & Reasoning

SSM Architecture

SSMs comprise three key components: a front-end Small Language Model (SLM),
an adapter layer in the middle, and a wide range of back-end domain-knowledge sources.

Small Language Model (SLM)

SLM is a small, efficient, domain-specific model. It forms the frontend of an SSM. It can be compacted from a larger model.

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Multiplexing Adapters

Adapters (eg. LlamaIndex) provide the interface between the SLM and the domain-knowledge backends.

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Domain-Knowledge Backends

Support for a wide range of text files, documents, PDFs, databases, code, knowledge graphs, models, other SSMs, etc.

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SSMs communicate in both unstructured (natural language) and structured APIs, catering to a variety of real-world industrial systems. The composable nature of SSMs allows for easy combination of domain-knowledge sources from multiple models.

Feature Use Cases

From customer support, personalized recommendation engines, to autonomous systems
Boost RAG Performance with Reasoning

OpenSSA significantly boosts the accuracy of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems. It fine-tunes the embedding or completion model with domain-specific knowledge.

Enhance Conversational AI for Improved Customer Support

Build AI assistants that provide accurate, context-aware responses in customer support, healthcare, and other domains. OpenSSA's domain-specific fine-tuning capabilities enable you to create AI agents that understand and respond to user queries with unprecedented accuracy and relevance.

Enable Efficient Planning and Reasoning for Problem Solving

OpenSSA enables you to create AI agents that can effectively plan and reason within specific domains to solve complex problems.

Optimize Industrial Field Service Operations

Create AI agents that can guide field service technicians through complex maintenance and repair procedures.


Build AI assistants that provide accurate, context-aware responses in customer support, healthcare, and other domains.

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Planning & Reasoning for Problem Solving

Create AI agents that can effectively plan and reason within specific domains to solve complex problems.

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Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

OpenSSA significantly boosts the accuracy of (RAG) systems, it fine-tunes the embedding or completion model with domain-specific knowledge.

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Industrials Field Operation

Create AI agents that can guide field service technicians through complex maintenance and repair procedures.

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A rich ecosystem to emerge of
high-value, specialized AI systems.

“Specialization is crucial for quality .. not general purpose Al models”
—Eric Schmidt,Schmidt Foundation
.. small models .. for a specific task that are good
—Matei Zaharia,Databricks
.. small agents working together .. specific and best in their tasks
—Harrison Chase,Langchain
.. small but highly capable expert models
—Andrej Karpathy,OpenAI
.. small models are .. a massive paradigm shift .. about deploying AI models at scale
—Rob Toews,Radical Ventures
Humans impacted
Damascus, Syria
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